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Configuration Files

It is quite likely that your package allows configuration by the end-user.

If you want to offer custom configuration options, create a new config directory in the package's root and add a file called config.php, which returns an array of options.


return [
  'posts_table' => 'posts',
  // other options...

Merging Into the Existing Configuration

After registering the config file in the register() method of our service provider under a specific "key" ('blogpackage' in our demo), we can access the config values from the config helper by prefixing our "key" as follows: config('blogpackage.posts_table').


public function register()
  $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/config.php', 'blogpackage');


To allow users to modify the default config values, we need to provide them with the option to export the config file. We can register all "publishables" within the boot() method of the package's service provider. Since we only want to offer this functionality whenever the package is booted from the console, we'll first check if the current app runs in the console. We'll register the publishable config file under the 'config' tag (the second parameter of the $this->publishes() function call).


public function boot()
  if ($this->app->runningInConsole()) {

      __DIR__.'/../config/config.php' => config_path('blogpackage.php'),
    ], 'config');


The config file can now be exported using the command listed below, creating a blogpackage.php file in the /config directory of the Laravel project using this package.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JohnDoe\BlogPackage\BlogPackageServiceProvider" --tag="config"